Crystal Gauvin
Kelly Ward Kbomb

Kelly Ward Kbomb

This Friday’s featured female is:  Kelly Ward (Kbomb)

Thanks to a nomination by Ben Adams, I have the pleasure of featuring a true archery legend this week. Kelly Ward is one of the greatest female archers of all time, and although she recently stepped back from competing, any time she steps on the line, you now she is a threat to be reckoned with.

Kelly lives in North Carolina, and she competes across ALL disciplines. She shoots compound field, target, and 3d, and she has won pretty much everything you can think of. Mathews had a great graphic this year at their booth in Vegas (which by the way, Kelly has won!). They displayed all the wins with Mathews bows across the various disciplines (ASA shooter of the year, IBO Champions, National Indoor/Outdoor winners, etc). I remember walking by, and as I was looking at it another archer was talking to Kelly and said yeah and of those, how many are JUST yours!

Ben had a lot of great things to say about Kelly, but one thing that stood out was he said, “she did a fantastic Shooter School for us at Creekwood Archery.” Kelly is more than an amazing shooter herself. She is someone who takes time for others, and loves sharing the sport. One pro mentioned, “Kelly was one of the first pros I ever shot with, and she was very supportive and encouraging as I learned the 3d game.”

In fact, Bill also said, “all the wonderful things said about Christie also apply to Kelly Ward. The Pros that consistently rub elbows with just regular shooters are few and far between. If you research her accomplishments it’s going to take a while. I know both these girls real well.” One pro put it this way, “She’s been my archery hero for many years…then once I got to know her it moved on to just someone I completely admire.”

ln addition to archery, Kelly is a role model in the business world as well. She is super successful with her business, though she is too modest to share this with many. She has run a print company (can we say male dominated industry), for the past 26 years! Yes, that means she was working her butt off, managing others, AND competing at the top level, all at the same time! Can we just take a minute to celebrate Kelly as the “original” Boss Babe.

One of her coworkers had this to say, ” Kelly is one of the most thoroughly professional, knowledgeable, and motivated individuals I have ever met. We worked together for many years. Her word was her bond. If I were starting a new company today in any field, she would be the first person I would want on my team! Never miss a chance to work with Kelly and watch her help you and your business to be better. ”

And last, but not least, fellow competitors say Kelly has a sense of humor that “leaves your face sore from laughing so hard.” Another said, “It is impossible to walk off the course upset, when you are shooting with Kelly, win or lose, you will laugh, smile, and maybe shed a tear, but you will walk away knowing it was a good day.”

I feel very unfortunate not to know Kelly well, but what I do know is that she is a great person, archer, and friend. She has a beautiful soul, and is a women many look up to and inspire to be like. I am very glad Ben nominated her, as I think she is one of the females most deserving of this “award.” Join me in celebrating the one and only, amazing KBomb this week!

Know a female archer who deserves to be featured?
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