Crystal Gauvin


  1. Jan Bostrom

    Dear Crystal,

    Thank you so much for listing the equipment you use with links!
    I am new to archery and find it almost impossible to find out what the pros are using.
    My son started with archery last year and I am hooked.
    What is the reason for using one bow for outdoors and one bow for indoors?
    Would you use a different peep sight for indoors/outdoors?

    Many thanks,

    Jan Bostrom

    1. Crystal

      I listed my equipment for that exact reason, I found it very hard when I was starting out to find good information. I use a different bow indoors and out now that I switched to Mathews (last year I shot the same bow for both). With the Mathews line of bows, I feel like I can get slight advantages by shooting different bows for each discipline. The C4 is more forgiving, which is key indoors and the Apex 7 has more speed, which is helpful outdoors, esp in windy conditions. I do not use a different peep sight when going indoors/outdoors, with the exception of when I shoot 3d. I use a much larger peep, which allows more light in, since many 3d targets are in the woods (dark). I hope that helps, but feel free to email me at with any other questions.

  2. James Kingsley


    My name is James Kingsley I got your information online I want to organize Archery lessons for my kids,. Let me know if you can do this? and do you accept credit card as method of payment?
    Hope to hear from you soon

  3. Patricia Bryant Beausoleil

    Our girl scout troop is interested in learning archery. Is this something we could have you teach them? What would be the cost and is this something we use your space for or need to find a space?

  4. Jeremy Emmons

    Hi. I have 2 girls that are currently finishing up summer camp. They tried archery for the first time and love it. Do you provide lessons for kids. Mine are 8 and 9. If so, how much and how long are the sessions. Please let me know. Thank you

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