Phew…we made it. If you are reading this, it means you survived 2020. What a year it was. While there were some huge disappointments for me, there were also a lot of positives I took from the year.
A few years ago, I started selecting a word for each new year. I have never been a huge fan of New Year’s resolutions or things, but I’ve enjoyed selecting a word to focus on each year.

Last year I chose the word fulfillment because I THOUGHT I would spend the year fulfilling lifetime dreams and other epic goals. Instead I found fulfillment in the little things I had been missing these last few years chasing big things.
I got to enjoy time on the weekends with R. I was able to visit my parents, spending more time with my dad this past summer than I have since graduating college. I had opportunity to work on overcoming some of my long time fears by trying new things. This crazy year allowed me a chance to try a new discipline (3d) of the sport I’ve grown to love (archery), and I even learned to enjoy running, something I NEVER thought I would say.
After a lot of thought, I’ve decided to choose progress as my word of 2021. If there is one thing 2020 taught me, it’s I want to keep moving forward, whether that is on little tasks, life lessons, or big crazy adventures.
I like the word progress because it literally applies to every facet of life. My goal is to continue building on some of the blocks I began laying down last year. I want to be more flexible with the challenges I tackle. I want to become more educated on how I can be a better ally for those around me, even if that means “messing up” in the process. I want to build consistency back into my training, while chipping away at my work projects.

In other words, this year is about progress NOT perfection. I’ve still got some exciting goals for my future, but this year will be about setting myself up to be a better person, friend, and athlete, which will all make those goals that much easier when I do go for them.
Have you chosen a word for 2021? If so, I’d love to hear what it is!

Excellent choice!
What a great post! My word for January is RECOVERY, as I got “it”????. That may be my word for the year as a lot happened on the archery realm that was not positive. A bad hip stopped me dead in my tracks. Haven’t picked up my archery sticks since late February 2020, almost a year. Then more not good stuff in the archery realm. Might switch from being a competitor to judging as I find that interesting and very fun. I like helping people and tournaments in general. It is a totally different aspect of archery tournaments that I never thought about, and turns out I really enjoy it, even though there are long days, in the weather.
So I wish you a successful year of progress and growth in your life! You are an amazing young lady!
Sorry to hear! Definitely take care of yourself, and I think recovery is definitely a smart word to choose.