I’ve had this idea in my head for a few years. In fact, I’m actually semi stealing it from a cycling blog I used to follow when I raced bikes. But like many ideas I have, I have continued to make excuses and let life and training get in the way of putting this together.
After recently listening to a podcast interviewing an incredible woman, who has done amazing things across many different sports, I decided it was time. One of her comments that really stuck with me was that men get the concept of rising tides. They compete WITH each other to make everyone better versus women who compete AGAINST each other, doing their best to hold others down so they can succeed. This is a very simplistic explanation, but that was the gist of part of their conversation.

Now do I believe ALL women or ALL men fit into this mold. No, but I can say I have seen this first hand over the years across all the sports I’ve participated in, as well as in the business world. So, I may be one person, and by myself I may not be able to do much to change this, but I would like to take a baby step with your help.
Let me introduce my latest addition to my website/blog: Friday’s Featured Female (FFF) (or F^3 for my math friends). The goal of this is simple. I want to highlight other females and their accomplishments. However, I can’t do this alone. I need your help. I need you to nominate girls, young adult females, and adult women for me to feature.

The rules are simple. Do you know someone who set a personal best? Do you know someone who is doing something to grow the sport? Do you know someone who got a perfect 4.0 this semester? Do you know someone who came back from an injury? Do you know someone who is an amazing coach, mentor, friend? If so, fill out this form, email me any pictures you’d like me to use, and nominate as many individuals as you’d like. In fact, you can even nominate yourself!
I will highlight one female at a time, on a Friday. I can’t say what the response will be starting out, so I’m not going to commit to a set time frame (one friday a month, etc) at this time. I’d love to have enough nominations to feature one each week…think about it, are there not 52 awesome females out there in this sport? But I can only do that with your help.

My eventual goal is to also have something to give each featured female (besides shout outs on social media), but at this point all I can promise is every 10-20 features, I will draw one winner to receive a small gift.
*PLEASE help me out by submitting nominations, sharing the featured females, and doing what you can to support one another regardless of gender!
*And make sure to bookmark (and share) my Friday’s Featured Female (FFF) page, so you can check back to see who is currently being featured.

My aunt actually into the archery during her younger days, as far as I concern, nothing special about her. What I mean she did not win any medal or did something to be proud of. I don’t know maybe she actually knows about herself more than I am or maybe she never told me the truth. Recently my niece starting to learn archery, while I’m searching around the internet, I found your blog so it might be something worth to read and inspire my niece to get serious about this sport. Anyway, I’ve bookmarked your site and surely with a cup of coffee, I’ll read your blog on the upcoming weekend.