Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Almost everything you see on social media is the “best” of people, especially when it comes to archery. I’ve always tried to be as honest as possible about my journey on this blog, but I felt like I really needed to post this score sheet from Sunday’s tournament to show we all struggle, we all have ups and downs, and the important thing is to keep working on it.

Let me start by acknowledging that I realize this wasn’t a “real” tournament, but it was my first Hall’s warmup with the recurve. After spending a week over the holidays with family in Myrtle Beach, the warmup was held on the first day of the new year. I was pretty excited going into this, with high expectations.

Just before leaving on our trip I had shot my highest scoring round yet (same score for both 300 halfs). While in South Carolina I wasn’t able to shoot any at a target (or blank bale), but I was good about getting my SPT and shot trainer exercises in every day.

The night before the tournament (New Year’s Eve) we spent the evening at our friend’s house flinging arrows. I felt really off, and I couldn’t figure out why. My form just didn’t feel consistent, but I figured it was just a long day and I was shooting much later than I was used to.

During the practice ends at the warmup, I felt better than I had the night before, however, I still didn’t feel like my shots were as easy either (like they had before the holidays). As the tournament went on, I never felt like I got into a groove or rhythm. Some shots would be easy, going off right away, and others I setup way too short and had to pull a mile to get them to go off.

In the end I shot a 392 and finished in 4th. I was really discouraged and feeling down on myself. Yes, I was disappointed with my score, but more than that I was upset that I felt like I wasn’t making progress. I felt like I had taken a huge step back in my form and shooting quality shots. I then was reminded by my husband that I had been shooting at a target less than a month, and with a recurve for less than two months. Once he put it into perspective for me, I felt better about it. However, I still came home and went right into the basement to try to figure out why my setup was so inconsistent.

So to all of you that think every top shooter only has good days, remember EVERYONE has good days and bad. EVERYONE struggles with their shot from time to time, and for every “pretty” target that is posted on social media, there are 100 ugly targets that were quickly hidden from sight.

practice end holes are marked


  1. 268 and only less than two month on recurve? Thats 9 ring average! I say you are doing very well. Thats like saying to a stranger ” I can hit the outside bullseye 28 times out of 30 and shot 2 red ring which is an 8 score! and only been on this recurve for less than two months”

  2. Stuart pilcher

    Hi Crystal

    Great Blog

    It’s so good to follow the true ups and down of other archers

    Was told by a good friend and Auzzie team member that I have to remember enjoyment and frustration within archery is a thin line but caused by expectations

    If you expect 10’s and get them it’s ???????????? all around but start hitting 7/6 and lower its ????????????????????☹️????

    Love archery love my archery friends every day is a learning day positive or negative things are still on the same curve

    Keep it up and welcome to the world of recurve


  3. BarebowLizard

    I’m with you here! I’m getting back into the groove, trying to find it again, new barebow style. Broke hand in late October. It of cast for @8 weeks now. Come back trail’s been tough, but I’ve made progress in feeling that anchor and shot. Thing is, never give up! Perseverance when all else fails is the key. Positive mental program really helps as well.

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