Crystal Gauvin
Melissa Ortiz

Melissa Ortiz

This Friday’s featured female is: Melissa Ortiz

This week I have the pleasure of sharing with all of you another awesome female! Melissa Ortiz was nominated to be featured here by Mike Roberts. Because Melissa isn’t someone I get to shoot with, I was very glad he submitted her nomination, so we could all learn a little bit more about her.

Melissa lives in NY, and she shoots both barebow and longbow. Let’s stop right there. I don’t care who you are, I think anyone that shoots these disciples is amazing by default! I know I couldn’t do it! Not only does she shoot with what I consider to be the two hardest bow types, but she also competes across 3d, field, and target archery!

Target may be one thing with these bows, as you can learn how to “aim,” but have you ever considered how much dedication it takes to get proficient with a barebow or long bow at multiple disciplines??? Yep, both 3d and field require you to shoot at varying distances and at different size dots!

In his nomination, Mike shared this about Melissa, “…started shooting longbow about 3 years ago. She has more drive, and determination than anyone I’ve met.” I don’t know about you, but I’m a huge fan of people who work their butt off.

He also said, ” She’s not afraid to go up against the top shooters in the country.” I wish this was something more female archers would embrace. You don’t get better shooting against lower competition. You get better by pushing yourself and shooting against those who are better than you, so way to go Melissa!

Recently Melissa competed at the Traditional Archery Society’s Regional Championship shoot. She walked away from the event with THREE belt buckles…and she won a gift certificate for her stellar performance. I agree with Mike when he said, “that’s quite an achievement!”

No doubt Melissa has a lot of bling in her trophy case, but what I admire even more than her wins is the fact that she always walks away from an event with her head held high. Win or lose, she has a good time and is supportive of her competitors. Let’s join together and give Melissa a virtual high 5 as this week’s Friday’s Featured Female!

Know a female archer who deserves to be featured?
Fill out this form to submit your nomination.